Below you can see an example. If we have created and authenticated the account we can use it to connect it with the authentication automatically. If we use the fragment we can add the container to authenticate our account. Domain provider the last option is the same as the first option we explained. Somehow google knew this option would help us that’s why it added it twice. Now that we have verified our website let’s take a closer look at the functionality of the main dashboard when we verify our website.
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The first thing we’ll see is the main panel or dashboard where Conduit CN we’ll see a summary of the main sections performance in this section we’ll see a brief summary of hits per day over the past few days. Coverage the chart below shows the number of pages of our site that have been indexed and the possible errors detected on our site. In the following sections we will take a detailed look at all the errors and how to fix them. Improvements in the last section of the dashboard we’ll see a summary of mobile usability errors, the indexing status of our pages, and other types of data-rich markup.
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Google search console dashboard dashboard main BTC Database US view performance if we go to the performance section we see in the dashboard we will reach a more advanced page where we can see the hits, impressions, click-through rate and average position of our items. In addition we have detailed filters for web image and video search statistics. We can also define the dates we want and compare those dates with previous time periods. An example of a project performance graph from website seo performance is also at the bottom of the graph.