Part of the Site For Search Engines

The team announced the launch of the speed report with which we will be able to see the average performance of our pages and classify them as fast, normal or slow according to the parameters. The speed report view in search console speed ​​is still experimental. Added the option to manage notifications directly in the interface. This also includes a filter to view mobile availability in different areas of coverage. Probably due to the massive amount of spam that every alert is sent to the webmaster emails. Notifications panel in google search console notifications.

Bit’s on-site summary first of all thank you for coming

Year month day changed the color of the main performance graph to Changsha Mobile Phone Number List improve the differentiation of each value. How about the google search console performance performance graph by one of our customers in. Date added delete functionality to remove from index this is one of the most requested features by professionals as it will allow quick indexing of single and search patterns. Page. Removal deindexing in search console. Did you like it? We hope so. This post wasn’t written alone and took the time. If so please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested.

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