5 Ways to Upskill Your Marketing & Sales Teams

Posted on : October 9, 2023 | post in :  Special Database  |Leave a reply |

Check out our case studies if you’re looking for some great examples of digital transformation with global brands. 1) identify your mindset and skills gap digital is not an add-on to your business. It’s now a requisite and that thinking nes to fe from the top-down. Your business nes leaders that understand the importance and impact of digital to create and cultivate a digital culture that’s embd across the organization. The key to achieving this is to understand what the current mindset is. Ask yourself: are your employees worri about or scar to use digital technologies? Do teams know what digital technologies and processes are in place across the business? Do teams collaborate and share information using digital channels? o.

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Are your employees aware of the digital activities that take place across the business? Do employees understand and know the business targets and goals – kpis. Revenue. Etc? Taking time to figure out where your employees are in terms of their understanding of the business can help you put processes in place that enable transparency and information sharing so everyone is on the right page. This mindset fes into the skills in your business. Becoming digital doesn’t mean you ne to use every channel and piece of technology on the market. It’s about choosing the right ones for your business. But do you have someone that can help you do that? Do you have a digital strategy?

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Are you confident in using key digital channels to get your message out there? There are so many digital skills that can help your business. But you ne to have a plan that’s tailor to your organization to drive digital transformation. Why choose dmi? 2) cultivate cross-functional teams there’s no point in your sales and marketing teams working in silos. They have to work together to ensure your company’s message is clear and consistent to engage prospects and convert leads. Encouraging cross-collaboration takes all knowlge and skills into account. It allows the sharing of ideas to maximize the activities in your organization and enables employees to work with and experience new technologies

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