The central bank of the russian feration issu regulation no. 1 and develop and publish electronic message formats. The idea of implementing support for these requirements in is very transparent. The financial monitoring subsystem maintains a list of all messages prepar and sent to. After receiving the next request from the authoriz user, a new entry is creat in this list and a special form is fill for this purpose. Rice. Request information parameter panel the user can prepare a message himself or rirect it to a subordinate branch for execution according to legal requirements.
The attribute composition
The table corresponds to the content of the Estonia Email List message establish by the format of the central bank. The entire property set is locat on two tabs general information and information about the person. The third tab contains a list of attachments whose types of possible composition are also specifi by the no. Regulation. In a special form the user can create an entry in this list. Information on of cardwithsignature and stampsample the attachments list saves the default name of the export diagram. Attachment parameters panel requesting information in this form the user can call the function get attachment which references the corresponding application subsystem and generates the attachment body such as the personal account statement of the interest customer bas on the current application data stor in it.
In addition the user can
Load attachment and use the standard dialog to select BTC Database US a disk file containing a pre-prepar attachment body such as a scan card with a signature sample as shown in the example. If earlier it was import into a special catalog and then reconcil with the entire client base it would have taken a lot of time and requir manual parsing of the results. Now the terrorist list is import directly into the subject catalog and the time import and manual labor intensity has been ruc.