There’s more to the shopping experience. In this sense the personalization of quotations and customer service is crucial. We can use artificial intelligence to solve the first point, but the customer service cannot be artificial, but it can be automated. Communication tools are an indispensable necessity for online customers. Chat, for example, is a tool for direct and quick contact with a company to resolve questions about a product or service thereby helping to improve user experience. However the fact that one person is dedicated to answering the chat is expensive and creates a bottleneck when focusing on multiple clients. Ecommerce chat guided conversational query filtering.
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Automation of web browsers or video-based chatbots are tools that Vietnam Mobile Number List are expanding and for good reason. They save customer service time, are cheaper and can serve many customers at once. If a customer doesn’t get what they need a chatbot will put them in touch with our customer service staff and they will be more comfortable. The new way of shopping as the philosopher says I am me and my environment. Our current situation affects user behavior and how they buy. Yes, the year brings us more than just technological advancement or the integration of emerging technologies.
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Virtual reality augmented reality we will see focus on price one BTC Database US of the determinants of purchase is price. In many cases this is the main reason for choosing one brand or another. What we are currently experiencing, inflation, interest rate hikes, higher energy and fuel costs, economic uncertainty, etc. Suggest that buyers and sellers will pay more attention to the price of our products or services in 2019. Responsible trade sustainability and the circular economy are issues that are gaining more and more attention from consumers. Those e-commerce that communicate these values in the form of a brand or a product have a winning point that allows them.