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The characteristics that define a target audience in the marketing world are collectively known as buyer personas. Your buyer personas take all of these traits and combine them into personal. Traits that represent the rest of the team as accurately as possible. The criteria you use to create buyer personas will depend on your industry and what you stand for, but here are some general tips you can include: age group, location, average income, occupation, familiarity, structure, goals and aspirations, vision and values, hobbies and interests, buying behaviors such as Do they buy products online or do they prefer to go to a brick and mortar store? Content Consumption Behavior What kind of content are they looking for? Where? The more in-depth you go in creating buyer personas, the more relevant your brand management efforts will become.

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For example, let’s say you’re launching an affordable phone UK Mobile Number List with a great camera for young professionals. Instead of a year old young professional who likes to click pictures your buyer persona should be something like this year old just finish school recently move to a big city and start working with a slightly above average monthly dollar likes to travel likes to hang out with friends at bars and coffee shops pretty much Active on the Internet She mainly uses her mobile phone to post and watch social networks She does not a high-end mobile phone. Building Your Brand’s Personality After you’ve done extensive and painstaking research, now is the most satisfying part of branding: defining your look.

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Your brand personality combines physical BTC Database US attributes like logo colors and fonts with emotional and intellectual properties like your tone of voice. Start by listing the adjectives you want with your brand. Here are some examples of the simple, the funny, the bold, the artistic, the outrageously responsible, the generous, the eccentric, the pundit, the elegant, even aggressive. Start tailoring all your brand attributes and communications to evoke these feelings in your audience base on your decision. For example if you want elegance and quality your logo should have a clean and minimal design. Your tone should be serious but not weird or aggressive.