Those who enter for the first time are convinced of what the

and generates Those who enter  rejection that translates into a high bounce rate. DIRECT AND CONCISE The elements that will be found on the home page should be few. Minimalism is among the design trends. Let’s put a search engine so that people can locate the information they are looking for with simple words. Grouping content within tabs is also a good way to streamline content. QUALITY AND WEIGHT MUST GO IN HARMONY The images found on the website must be small so that the page does not become overloaded and cause slowness. If this happens,

Google could penalize the website.

Google could penalize the website. The ideal is to have low-weight, high-quality images, not do without them. USER EXPERIENCE AND WEB DESIGN If something does not generate confidence in the customer’s first impression, there is a high probability that they will close the page and not have the confidence to continue Business Lead   browsing. The company must show on its website what the client needs and adapt it to different platforms to ensure that visitors follow the route of interest to the business , whether to subscribe to the page, to share content, to buy the product.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

with a differentiating appearance that makes

business lead

Potential buyers or service contractors will always seek to obtain the information they need to ensure the quality of what the company offers compared to the competition and thus If we do not have a content strategy to publish organizedly, we must start preparing it. This also includes the content architecture, since it is where the information will be found within the web page or website and is essential to improve the user experience. Broken links: Check that the links on the website redirect to existing pages. It is very unpleasant BTC Database US  to click on a link that interests us and it sends us the “Error 404 not found” message. Furthermore, this means carelessness.  Since the company does not verify what it shares through its social channels nor is it aware of what