This strategy served to keep the public intrigued

able to advertise your products or services by creating closeness with customers, but  This strategy  without launching too obvious promotions that could be considered invasive.LinkedIn has revolutionized the world of recruiting by becoming the world’s largest professional network and making it easier than ever to directly reach job candidates. In fact, 9 out of 10 recruiters have LinkedIn and look at candidate profiles before interviews , so knowing how to value yourself on this social network is essential for anyone looking for a job. For this reason, David Díaz Robisco, expert and trainer on LinkedIn. Has given an #ENyDOpenclass to show how to value your professional

experience, how to be active in this social network,

how to grow with quality in your network of contacts and how to have a methodology to achieve more job opportunities. Let’s find out in this article! RECRUITER ORIENT LINKN PROFILE linkin recruitmentThe first thing to take into account is the presentation of your profile. That is, you have to take care of the first impression experience.  How to be active in this social network,that can be given to recruiters  Business Email List when they look for you. “If I already know that they are going to look at my social networks, why Not have them well prepar It is not enough to be a very good person. you also have to demonstrate it so that others see your professional

Professional photo In accordance with the image you

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Business Email list

worth,” explains the expert on Linkn. Professional photo: In accordance with the image you want to project. Look at the camera, far enough away to show your head and shoulders, and dress as you would for work. Do not use the photo of the border or wear the #OPENTOWORK . In addition to the profile photo, we have the possibility of putting a 30-second welcome story. How to activate your profile story? It is important to note that it can only be done from the mobile or tablet version. Check that you have the  in your photo and press photo Choose to record or import from reel Add to   BTC Database US  profile Select visible part and add to profile Your profile story is activat when a r circle appears around the photo. Background image: This section is a good way to advertise. So it is recommend to put a photo that reflects