Then designate this as the canonical page version

Posted on : March 3, 2024 | post in : Whatsapp Mobile Number List |Leave a reply |

But this may not be the version you want to index. Solution: look at those duplicate pages and select one as the authoritative version that should be indexe in search results. Then designate this as the canonical page version for all duplicates (and add the self-referencing authoritative page tag to this version). 5. Hreflang to non-authoritative content pages this warning is triggere when one or more pages are specifie as non-canonical content urls in their hreflang annotations. Cause of the problem: links in hreflang tags should always point to authoritative content pages. Linking to a non-canonical version of a page from an hreflang annotation can cause confusion and misunderstanding by search engines. Solution: replace the link in the hreflang comment of the affecte page with the canonical content page.

Cause of the problem: visitors cannot

Canonical content urls have no internal Hong Kong WhatsApp Number Data incoming links this warning is triggere when there are one or more pages with no internal incoming links.  access authoritative content urls without internal links. And somewhere on the site. They are directe to a non-authoritative version of the page. Solution: replace all internal links with authoritative pages and use direct links to authoritative content pages. 7. There are non-authoritative content pages in the sitemap this warning is triggere when one or more non-canonical content pages are liste on the sitemap. Cause of the problem: google states that non-canonical content urls should not be include in sitemaps. Because they consider the pages in the sitemap to be authoritative pages that you suggest to them.

That url is also authoritative to a different

 In your sitemap. You should only list the pages you Indonesia Whatsapp Number List want indexe. Solution: remove non-canonical pages from the sitemap. 8. Non-authoritative content pages are mistakenly designate as authoritative pages when one or more pages specify an authoritative content url.  page. This creates an “Authority chain” where page a is authoritative to page b. Which in turn is authoritative. For page c. The warning will be triggere. Cause of the problem: search engines can be confuse and misle by authority links. The result is that they may misinterpret or ignore the authoritative content pages you originally designate. Solution: replace non-canonical page links in the affecte canonical page tags with direct links to canonical content pages.

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