That’s why it’s worth remembering

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The decision is yours. What gif should I send. Everything really depends on the voice of your brand. I certainly don’t recommend sending a funny moving picture when you’ve been sending serious messages to mr. Ms. All year round. that gif goes beyond funny clips from movies or animat reindeers on christmas cards. It can also be showing your product from different angles or moving your employees.

The holidays in your company

During the holiday season you can bet on a gif strictly festive emphasizing the spirit of christmas e.G. By sending christmas wishes to your customers emphasizing the christmas campaign ― if you made an image promotional campaign for in the form of for example Bahrain WhatsApp Number List a short video clip you can cut out a few frames and convert it into a gif referring to fomo fear of missing out if the christmas promotion ends in two days highlight it with a funny gif referring to gifts and warm emotions ― if for example you add a free gift to a christmas parcel also.

Whatsapp Mobile Number List

Have a sense of humor or are interest

Emphasize it in your communication when you send christmas wishes showing the voice of your brand if you think that during the year you spend too little time to show your customers what your brand is like the holiday season is a good time for others to see that you  in the same what your audience. Below you will find a simple example of a product gif from the anth BTC Database US ropologie brand. Source anthropologie brand mailing. Where to find gifs. At the very beginning I will say that you do not ne to look for them at all. You can create them yourself. I have already creat a gif several times in the simplest graphics program I.E. Canvie. I also happen to create a moving picture in figma.

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