Facebook Twitter LinkIn Google+ Pinterest Buffer Sitechecker keep up to date with Google Regardless of whether we are in the top ten of search engines or we are just launching our website we ne to keep our website optimiz in terms of SEO. Sitechecker will allow you to analyze your actions and plan further improvements in order to change or keep your place in the ranking. Invest in an SEO analysis tool Google is constantly improving its algorithms and providing newer and newer guidelines for the quality of websites Google Quality Rater Guidelines . To manage everything you ne to conduct on site and off site SEO activities.
The assumed strategy mass campaigns are an effective
Activities on the website on site SEO As the name suggests this includes all actions taken as part of SEO optimization within your website. This includes content optimization i.e. ensuring that the search engine properly reads our website taking into account the keywords HR Directors Email Lists important to us and that the content itself reaches our target group properly inserting multimia using keywords placing external links ensuring the correctness of the website code user experience if our website is not user friendly e.g. it takes a long time to load or it is not possible to find the content we are interest in right away Google will encode it and you will drop in the ranking.
This form of communication with a given company
Off site activities off site SEO We mainly define here the construction of links leading to our website the so call. link building. It us to be a heavily abus activity entrepreneurs tri to bypass the system so they post a lot of links as SPAM this is a black hat seo activity . However Google has start to com BTC Database US bat this problem by running the Penguin algorithm. That is why it is extremely important to acquire links to our website naturally otherwise Google may punish you with complete removal from the ranking.