You Can Use Real-time Analytics

Posted on : April 3, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

To further up the decision-making process. Improve efficiency big data is an excellent tool for optimizing processes and r using costs. Since big data exists in all areas of a company, powerful analytics systems can process and combine all this information, thus making many processes more efficient. Customer data is particularly important here. Customer ne […]

Communication are aumation scenarios

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

It can be us quite regularly e.g. once a week and read comfortably at any time. Emails are very easy to filter and archive so customers are us to it and have no problem with regular communication. By contrast SMS is a short text only channel. This enforces a character limit. Customers also often treat […]

Them the next step in personalizing

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

It is worth creating separate lists of recipients when you use different consents or sell different services or if you have several stores. It is important to divide the list of recipients into segments thanks to this you can send for example activation emails. Remember to constantly maintain your email database and remove from it […]

Location device used or activity

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

You can also use other marketing channels such as SMS messages. Microsegmentation allows for example to send them only to customers who have not open your email. Marketing segmentation A common type of audience segmentation is bas on specific marketing campaigns. For example you can create separate segments e.g. of people who have not taken […]

This we will send more personalized messages

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

Most likely you have at least potential audiences current customers and. People from advertising campaigns on the Internet so call leads. This is a good starting point for introducing segmentation in your companys marketing. Within list of all customers create separate segments for such subtypes. For example you can use demographic segmentation. This is possible […]

Segments based on for example data about their

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

Today we will show you how micro segmentation combines with personalization in FreshMail. What is personalization and hyperpersonalization? The best marketing communication is one that is personal. According to the recogniz McKinsey company as many as of consumers expect personaliz communication. Start the message with the persons name. This not only increases the openness of […]

Changes in the sre or promote a mobile application

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

One of the criteria is to recognize the sender and check his reputation. Thanks to the appropriate settings of the domain and senders address you can significantly improve your image for recipients mailboxes. This in turn translates into better deliverability. As for the actions of the recipients themselves unfortunately the repeat phrase in the Highway […]

We can divide the subscrir base in smaller

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

I know it can be scary but thats my role. Pay attention to the dangers and ucate. At FreshMail we are working on a solution that uses Machine Learning and AI. Can we say that only the development of these technologies is able to ensure our security? Is there still much to discover about these […]

Only with their help you can also inform about

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

Can you tell us what exactly phishing is and what types of phishing are there? In the simplest terms phishing is impersonating a person or company in order to gain some advantage. Sometimes it is ridiculously clumsy e.g. an email from a Nigerian prince who nes a little financial help but later pays back with […]

They can used inform about sales or new offer

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

Although in fact what we do is a craft that gives incribly much satisfaction. According to one of the many definitions a programmer is a person who solves everyday problems that other people are unaware of. The moment when after many hours of work. And talks with various experts the client finally gets a working […]

Communicating with your entire subscrir base

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

If you use your own IT systems and solutions you can integrate via SMS via API which will enable you to send transactional and marketing text messages. Remember about the legal aspects Always keep GDPR in mind in your marketing efforts the email addresses and phone numbers you want to use must be obtain and […]

This we will send more personalized messages

Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

What you ne to know about SEO Before you even start using an SEO analytics tool its important to know the specific terms us in the industry. Otherwise you can easily get confus and as a result not be able to read the prepar reports at all. Therefore it is worth familiarizing yourself with the […]