Social selling is becoming more

Posted on : March 22, 2023 | post in : Whatsapp Mobile Number List |Leave a reply |

However I know from experience that certain elements of the templates will always affect the spam filters. Below I will list the most important of them. Too many graphics in relation to the text We recommend creating messages bas on a balance between graphics and text. Too many graphics also make the message too heavy. A message weighing more than kb will most likely end up in the SPAM tab. However I would like to point out that the text embd in the graphics is not treat as the text value of the message in mailboxes.

Shelves it would be interesting

The content of the campaign includes so call spam words Buying words such as Buy now Promotion only now Act quickly . Also watch out for the words Sales Offer Discount or Free . Of course if you use any of the words once it does not mean that your message will end Venezuela WhatsApp Number List up in SPAM. However pay attention not to overuse them and most importantly try not to include them in campaign titles. Read our article that will tell you how to avoid SPAM by using inappropriate words. The colors us in the template are consider suspicious by mailbox spam filters Anti spam tools have learn that spam messages often contain r font so try not to use it.

Whatsapp Mobile Number List

Behind it this will warm up your image

The same applies to the so call invisible fontsfonts in the background color. Do not use bright colors that may suggest the use of sales tricks. Shipping without cancellation link and sender’s details This is an unforgivable error for anti spam filters for which the cribility of the sending domain counts. Always include your company details and an uns BTC Database US ubscribe link in the footer of the email. This affects not only deliverability but also the trust or loyalty of recipients to you as the sender. Note that a message without an unsubscribe link counts as ruc content. The only reliable method to check if an email ends up in SPAM is to test the message template.

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