Consists of four areas each with its own purpose map. Rice. Panel customer service customer information area one. This displays information about the person being serv . Two modes of operation are provid for the data input of the customer’s identification and the output of information about him. The customer product and one-time service area two is a tree structure. At the top level of the hierarchy there are two sections customer products fill in only for certain customers if the customer has an open product with the bank and one-off services always fill in and include a list of services provid by the bank bank to individuals.
In this area of the panel
You can select a client product or an application object Botswana Email List account card associat with it for further operation or one-time service. Information area about the select product offering. The basic information of the select product application object or one-time service is present here in the form of reference information. The action selection execution area has two modes of operation either. To display a list of available actions for the select product or application object or to directly execute. The select action containing the action dialog. The form does not have a single toolbar. Existing buttons and hyperlinks are separat into the form area to keep them on the screen as close as possible to the application area.
For example start with
The title of the customer identification area you can enter a BTC Database US new customer into. The system use the card he provides to identify the customer. Through the terminal or continue with the service map for the next customer. Rice. The customer identification area tool can call out his information from the head image of the identification customer information area. If the customer identifi is found to be wrong. It will return to the customer search form or go to the next customer service.