If Specified Parameter Values

It provides different options for debiting from one customer account to another customer account. Also, these accounts can be debited in different currencies by the amount at the configured rate. Fig. Parameters of the debit operation from account to account we also consider the convenience of the user when using the system. All form fields can be facilitated by using various select lists to provide this possibility. It also does not preclude manual entry of values ​​some standard form fields provide input masks to make this process as easy as possible.

Can be checked during

The data entry phase, such checks are performed when moving Bulk SMS Malaysia through form fields. If blank or incorrectly filled fields are detected, the system will notify the user in two ways. It either flags an incorrectly filled parameter and gives the reason why the set value is considered incorrectly entered. In this case, the user himself ultimately decides whether the specified value is wrong. The system does not affect the continuation of the selected action or disables the button for continuing to perform the action in progress. Will remain inactive until the detected issue is resolved. In the new user interface the data-dependent principle is used in some cases.

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The essence of this principle is

That some operating parameters are not initially displayed BTC Database US on the screen. Will appear after some operating parameters are set to a fixed value. In this case it may happen that there is not an entire panel with operation-related data. This is determined by the set value of the main parameter. For example, when opening a margin agreement for floating-term products, it is necessary to set the agreement term map when filling in the operating parameters. In this case if the product is a deposit agreement without extension then the parameters related to the extension will be hidden in the transaction form.

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