Merchants and producers had to deal with reality without

Merchants and producers had to deal with reality without the booster of the lockdown but with the ne to overcome other difficulties: italian e-commerce is facing inflation with its effects on prices. Uncertainty caus by the energy crisis. War and the disproportionate increase in asian transport. On the other hand. The consumer electronics. Food. Home and furniture sectors manag to increase their year-end turnover. Despite the ruction in sales.

The overcoming of the pandemic crisis in 2022

The overcoming of the pandemic crisis in 2022 l to the resumption of offline life for around one million new database   people. However. The numbers of online shoppers continue to grow to over 38 million since last september. Who still connect to e-commerce sites and apps every month. Resulting in a large margin for growth.The value of the turnover in italy in 2022 is estimat at 75.89 billion euros. With an annual growth of 18.58%. Even if for the first time in the history of ecommerce the majority of the growth is caus by the increase in prices.

The pandemic has had a strong impact on the balance

The pandemic has had a strong impact on the balance of power between BTC Database US the different sectors which are constantly evolving.Free time is confirm as the most important sector. Representing exactly half of the turnover ( 50.07% ). In particular thanks to online gaming. Hobbies and sports.In second place are online shopping centers with 19% . Compar to 22% last year.The tourism sector rises to third place which. After two years of standstill. Manag to achieve growth of 47% (one third of which was due to the increase in prices) with 13.26% of the overall e-commerce turnover.