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The help of web scoring technology, which analyzes the entire germane internet on a daily basis, enabling our clients to continuously learn more about their target and expected customers and markets. What is a customer-specific predictive model goes beyond traditional methods in the field. The core of the scoring technique is based on searching for statistical twins on the web. What exactly does this mean simply put, the method compares the typical characteristics of existing client sites to those of non-client sites to identify companies with high transaction potential. Stay true to principle if these are your customers, then these companies should be your customers too.

Summarize the content of existing

Customer websites relevant to Germany as a whole in order Bulk SMS Australia to generate fingerprints for target groups This can be used to find digital twins. Using, generate an address list of companies that are happy to donate to the association. Here’s how it works. Using, we analyzed millions of companies’ websites and extracted the donations of a typical company with an affinity. In other words, all the themes and content of the donating company’s website have something in common while distinguishing them from all other companies that don’t appear as donors. Graphical representation of corporate donors in the form of tag cloud donations term size reflects relevance. Behind the tag cloud is a comparison of which terms appear more frequently on corporate websites with donation affinity than on average for all German corporate websites.

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They thus show how corporate

Donors differ from companies across Germany. Four themes BTC Database US can be identified from corporate donors to family businesses, rich traditions and pride in their history. On the site we can find, , tradition, generation, experience, company history modern growth company. With high regard for its products and quality standards. Typical terms on websites are new build, most modern, most modern, quality, certificate, leading, more competent, reliable, optimal, high quality, service, innovative, certified, standard, more reliable, expert, quality management, expert, innovative these companies are aware of their social responsibility, value their employees and provide training. On the website we can find the terms etc.

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