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Posted on : March 25, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

Can you tell us what exactly phishing is and what types of phishing are there? In the simplest terms phishing is impersonating a person or company in order to gain some advantage. Sometimes it is ridiculously clumsy e.g. an email from a Nigerian prince who nes a little financial help but later pays back with interest. However even such a thing pays off for criminals because such e mails continue to appear in inboxes. Currently the threat has become even greater criminals have learn to use much more advanc techniques. Now most often you hear about impersonating banks financial institutions as well as using current events that arouse a lot of emotions.

The needs of the organization

The most advanc is the so call spear phishing i.e. an attack personaliz for a specific person or group of people. And here it is worth mentioning that phishing is not a technical attack but a social engineering attack. Criminals do not break any server security they Sales Directors Email Lists simply ask users to provide their data themselves. Unfortunately the danger doesnt end with phishing and robbing people. The repertoire of criminals is much richer but this is a topic for a separate conversation. I know it can be scary but thats my role.

 C Level Executive List

That appear on the deskps of computers

Pay attention to the dangers and ucate. When are you most likely to fall victim to online fraud? Is there any audience that is more vulnerable to attacks? For BTC Database US criminals the fastest return on investment is when impersonating banks or online payment systems. Unfortunately we are all at risk criminals do not target any specific groups. Each of us has a harder day sometimes we happen to make mistakes it is enough to instinctively click on a link and you can expose yourself to problems. The threat is not new such impersonation and stealing from people was long before the age of the Internet. What has chang is the scale of the threat and the way criminals communicate with us.

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