How legal is signing contracts online

Posted on : October 5, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

It may seem a bit exaggerated but something like this happened when I spoke with my friend Nando , who I’m sure you know, about the public challenge I threw at him in my last post where I talked about How to sign contracts online legally using Signaturit . The challenge? Well, let me verify if what I say is true… hehehehe. Totally, if he is nicer… Look, I only needed him to make a few paragraphs about nothing and in the end he made an entire post. So… Hoooola! (this before anything else). How was your vacation? Good? I hope so. I… well, I won’t tell you anything, you’ll see. No promises.

Well I won't entertain

You anymore, I’ll leave you with Nando who will explain to you in. A super colloquial way (for a lawyer) if what I said in my last post is valid or not. Do you stay with him? We cannot accept something as good, neither from a legal point of view. Nor from any other perspective, simply because executive email list its use is widespread. Perhaps it will help us to consider why everyone uses a certain service, but not as the final justification. Because indeed, they could all be doing it wrong, don’t you think? b) Secondly. Because Víctor affirms that the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) and the Esign Act say that digital signatures are legal and valid. And that is very good, but those laws are North American. So we will have to resort to European and Spanish regulations. However, don’t worry, the conclusion is not too different.

Validity and effectiveness

Of contracts concluded electronically: You are probably familiar with the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce which we could say in a very basic and unacademic way that is something like the Spanish Internet Law . Many things are regulated in this standard, including BTC Database US electronic contracting. This rule gives full validity and effectiveness to contracts entered into electronically, when it states that if these types of contracts meet all the necessary requirements for their validity (consent, object and cause), they will produce all the effects provided for by the legal system.

The issue of proving the conclusion of a contract electronically does not vary much with respect to proof of the conclusion of a contract granted on paper with a handwritten signature , since it is governed by the same rules. Electronic signature tools that, like Signaturit, guarantee that it is a unique signature linked to specific data, in addition to offering the possibility of detecting subsequent changes, meet the same requirements as a handwritten agreement.

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