Go to the international targeting report in the old

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 If page a links to page b in an hreflang comment. Page b must also link back to page a). How to fix review the affecte pages and add bidirectional hreflang tags if necessary. Here is another way to check this problem. Go to the international targeting report in the old version of google search console and select the languages tab. Any issues relate to missing return tags will be flagge. This report also flags issues using non-existent language (or language+region) codes. 5. Hreflang points to pages that lack specifications this problem occurs when one or more pages reference non-canonical urls in their hreflang tags. Why is this a problem rel=alternate hreflang=x will instruct search engines to display the translate (localize) version of the page.

Remove it from the page to ensure

 While the rel=canonical attribute will New Zealand WhatsApp Number Data mark that this is not the standard (canonical) version. These two attributes contradict each other and can confuse search engines. How to fix review the affecte page and modify its hreflang annotation so that it points only to the canonical url. Alternatively. If you find a page with an incorrect canonical tag. Rthat the hreflang attribute is correctly understood and followe by search engines. Are there multiple versions of the page in the same language? Google may treat them as duplicate pages and select only one url as the canonical url. For example. Let’s say there are two product pages. One for the unite states (“En-us”) and the other for the unite kingdom (“En-gb”).

Google selects one of these as the

 The content on both pages is almost identical. The Arabia Whatsapp Number List only difference is that the price on one page is us dollars and british pounds on the other page. I canonical. It will exclude everything except the canonical page from the index. If you suspect this may be happening with a particular page. Use the url inspection tool in search console to see how google sees the page. 6. Hreflang and html lang do not match this problem occurs when there is an inconsistency between the hreflang and html language attributes declare in one or more urls. Why is this a problem google does not use the html language attribute.

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