Create and submit a sitemap

Posted on : October 23, 2023 | post in : Industry Email List |Leave a reply |

Sitemaps tell search engines where to find important pages on your site. This is important, as they can only crawl or index pages if they know those exist. Therefore,Here’s what the sitemap looks like for our blog: Sitemap example You can usually find your sitemap at one of these URLs: /sitemap.xml /sitemap_index.xml /sitemap If you can’t find it, check yourTherefore, robots.txt file (, as its location is often listed there:The plugin will write and add the schema markup for you.

Make sure your site is indexableCreate and

Mobile-friendliness has been a ranking factor for years because top industry data most searches happen on mobile devices.Therefore, You can check how mobile-friendly your site is with the Mobile Usability report in Google Search Console. Mobile Usability report in Google Search Console Make sure you’re using Therefore,HTTPS HTTPS is a confirmed lightweight ranking factor. If your website uses HTTPS, it’ll show the “lock” icon in your browser:

Create andAdd schema markup to your homepage

Schema markup is structuredTherefore, code that helps search engines to better understand and represent your website in search results. We recommend that all sites add Organization or Therefore,Person markup to their homepage. Luckily, Therefore,most website platforms and all-in-one SEO plugins make this easy. You don’t have to actually BTC Database US write any code. For example, if you use Yoast in WordPress, you can do this under the “Site representation” settings: Schema in Yoast All you have to do is choose whether you’re an organization or person, then fill in details like your organization name and links to social profiles. 

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