Essential Digital Marketing articles in

Posted on : October 14, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List  |Leave a reply |

Essential Digital Tired of entering a blog and not knowing how to find the most interesting or read articles on the site? In this post I want to make that search easier for you and to do so I have created a compilation with the 10 best Marketing articles on my blog in 2016. The year 2016 is ending and I don’t want to say goodbye to you without writing one last article. This year was very good for my personal brand and for the blog.

The blog has

Gone from 35,000 visits in a month, 1 year ago, to exceeding 150,000 in some months of this year and the personal brand has gained a lot of visibility to the point of starting executive data to give my first in-person classes, my 1st presentation at events and the invitation to debut as an international speaker in 2017, the new image of the blog… With these results I can only say that it was a very good year. There have also been less good or happy moments, like everything in life… but I like to focus on the positive in life and that’s why I leave the rest as personal learning . So, as the last article of the year I want to make a summary of the best blog content in 2016.

I hope Essential Digital

Useful to you! Also very useful content since many people wrote. To thank me because they had found work after improving. Their CVs with some of these CV BTC Database US templates, and this leaves me super happy with this content. It is a collection of Free and Premium resume models with the best. Formats that you can use to get unique and attractive. CVs for recruiters, and thus be more successful in your job search. Are you looking for a job? This post could be very useful to you. One of my favorite guides this year and one of the ones I liked writing the most because it is a social network that I love and that I think is very important to humanize the brand. 

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