It consists of four areas each

Posted on : April 3, 2023 | post in :  Buy Bulk SMS Service |Leave a reply |

With its own usage map. Figure 4 single window area customer information area 1 displays service object information. For this part of the form two modes of operation are provided to enter data to identify the customer in the system database or to display information about him. The customer product and one-time service area two is a tree structure. At the top level of the hierarchy there are two sections customer products are only filled for identified customers if he has opened products at the bank and one-time services are always filled and contain the list of services provided by the bank to the individual.

In this area of ​​the panel

You can select a client product or an application Bulk SMS USA object account card associated. With it for further operation or one-time service. In the third area of ​​the selected product service information, the basic information of the selected product application object or one-time service is display in the form of reference information. The area where an action is selected has two modes of operation either to display a list of available actions for the select object or to directly perform the selected action contains the action dialog. There is no common toolbar available in a single window.

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Buttons and hyperlinks are space

The form area to position them on the screen BTC Database US as close to the application area as possible. For example from the title of the customer search area you can enter a new customer into. The system use the card he provides to identify the customer through the terminal. Continue to provide the service map for the next customer. Use the tool button in the client search area to use the corresponding hyperlink. In the product information area to enter the list of trustees or heirs. If you set the product settings, view history operations, and make account statements for the select object. Read the regular order list diagram for the account.

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