A Very Common Mistake Is To

Take the self-diagnostic test to apply for the digital suite the test consists of a total of 10 very simple questions about your company’s status with regards to new technologies. Once you have answer these questions you will receive your company’s numerical strength diagnosis represent by a color bar. Digital self-diagnostic test results. Don’t worry, the assessment results are not conditional, it’s just a tool to give you an idea of ​​your company’s digital maturity. Invocation requirements are the same as any other aid or subsidy. Companies must meet a set of basic requirements to use the digital toolkit to not be consider a company in crisis. Stay up to date on your tax obligations and social security.

Metrics that provide

Not subject to pending restoration orders after the European Argentina Mobile Number List commission. Has declare the aid illegal or incompatible with the common market. Not subject to any prohibition provide for in article no. Of law no. Do not exec the minimum aid limit. Complete the digital maturity level self-assessment. After requesting a digital kit to register and completing a self-diagnosis all that remains is to apply for assistance. At this point you can choose to go through all the pros rues yourself or entrust us to do it for you. We are happy to serve you I want to apply myself I want to handle everything self request help to make a request you must visit the government electronic headquarters at the address below.

Phone Number List

A clear understanding

Next select the option that corresponds to your BTC Database US company segment to employees or segment. To employees and click on it to access the call flow. You will be ask to use a digital certificate or system to prove your identity. You simply follow the indict steps to complete your request for the digital solution that best suits your business. To access the invocation process for the digital suite grant you must provide documentation. Of the system requirements and sign its require statement of compliance with the principles of the recovery transformation and resilience program and a statement of compliance. All that remains now is to wait for a resolution. The system itself allows you to track the status of your requests.