27 Tricks to increase web traffic to your page or blog

27 Tricks to increase web traffic to your page or blog. A website does not attract a good volume of visits by itself unless we carry out strategies focused on increasing web traffic. It’s no use having the most beautiful website in the world if we don’t do anything to make it known later. That’s why today I want to show you 27 tricks that will help you increase the visits to your page substantially.

SEO tricks to increase web traffic

SEO tricks to increase web traffic. We understand CTR as Click Trough Rate or, what is the same. Therefore, the rate of clicks that a link generates with respect to the times it is displayed. The CTR as we are going to address it in this article is that which is achieved in the search results. When you have a website positioned on Google and users. Therefore, after doing a search, see your result, they are generating impressions and clicks. The CTR in this case would correspond to the impressions email database generated between the clicks. Why optimizing CTR can increase web traffic? It is basic, the higher the CTR in your results. Therefore, the greater the number of visits to your website.

Optimize the keywords that you have positioned unintentionally

Therefore, Optimize the keywords that you have positioned unintentionally. When you publish a page or an entry with content, even though you are targeting a specific keyword. You will also begin to rank for different ones . Therefore, if we find those keywords for which users are finding us and we update. The content by promoting those words. We will be able to increase SEO traffic to our website in an important way. To view these keywords, the best tool for this is Search Console . The Google tool recognizes BTC Database ES the keywords for which. we are being clicked on in the results lists and offers us information about the position and the number of visits we have obtained.